Finding the Right Prezi Licence for You
Prezi essentially offers four types of individual licences - the Free, Standard, Plus, and Premium - and two types of team licences - the Edu Plus and Premium. The individual licences are best suited for 1-2 users and the team licences are a great option for groups of 3+.
Free Licence
The free licence sounds great but doesn't really offer much. After you sign up, all of the Prezi presentations you create are public. There's no option to take the Prezi offline, and you don't have access to the image library and most of the Prezi design features.
Our business clients don't really use this one as all of the Prezis are public. It is very suitable for students creating basic Prezis, or for those wanting to see what the Prezi user interface looks like.
Standard Licence
The standard licence is a step up from the free license. This licence gives users greater control over the privacy of presentations and more advanced design features like custom branding, story blocks and access to an image library are available. By default, everything you create is private once you are subscribed to a standard licence. Presentations made under a standard license can't be taken offline, and you can't print it or use analytics.
Plus Licence
The plus is the most popular option as the Prezis are private and you can take your Prezi offline. When you sign up for a Prezi license, your email acts as your user ID, and you can access your Prezi account through a browser or Prezi tablet and phone apps.
The Plus license also gives you access to the Prezi Desktop application. This will sync with your Prezis wherever you made them and give you the ability to edit your Prezis offline when needed. With the Desktop app, you can create Portable Prezis. These are read-only versions of Prezi that you can export to a USB key, and they will work without the internet and don't need Prezi desktop installed on the computer you are using. Everything you need is wrapped up in that Portable Prezi file. The Prezi Plus licence is a great option if you are looking to present offsite - such as a sales pitch, workshop, or conference and aren't sure if you will have internet access.
Premium Licence
Premium is the top tier license, it gives you access to everything previously mentioned as well as the Analytics feature. This is a really cool feature that not everyone is aware of or takes complete advantage of. Analytics provides a feedback loop by allowing you to track and record who has seen your Prezi and what kind of interaction they have with it.
The analytics feature is mostly used by sales professionals that use it as part of their sales process. It's really cool, but it is a big jump in pricing from the Plus licence - that's why not everyone's using it. If you are looking to get that feedback loop with a sales team, then the premium is the license - it makes it a suitable return on the additional investment.
Edu Licence
The education licenses are the same as regular licenses but are offered at a discounted price to regular Prezi licenses. The Edu Plus has the same features as the regular Plus licence but is offered at a discounted rate to verified education users.
Team Licence
There are two types of team licences. It’s important for businesses to be aware that with an individual licence, ownership and content rights belong to the individual account holder. That’s a real problem for business if someone moves on.
With a team licence, the ownership of content always remains with the organisation. There is centralised billing and admin to assign and reassign licences - and it's also easier to share Prezis within the team.
A team licence is billed annually for the number of users and you can add to that during the year. The team licence is currently only available at the top tier Premium licence. So it’s a jump in pricing if you have a couple of Plus users and want to consolidate into a team account.
Edu licences also use the same tiered structure. However, you need a valid @edu address to be eligible for the discounted price.
All paid licenses can be accessed through a free 14-day trial. That's what you sign up and give your name and credit card details, and you have full access to all of that licences features for 14 days. Don't worry, Prezi gives you plenty of advanced notice before the trial ends so you can make a choice if you'd like to proceed beyond the trial.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a license per person?
Yes, your user Prezi User ID is your email address, and it's not to be shared. Under the Prezi terms of use, you need to have one license per user to be able to access and edit the Prezi.
Are my Prezi Private?
On a paid account, yes, they are all by default. You can make a private Prezi public if you want to, but you'd purposely go into that individual Prezi and update the privacy settings to do that.
How do I share a Prezi?
You can share a private Prezi by generating a view link and sending that. The person doesn't need a license to view, and for everyone but basic users, your original Prezi still remains private.
Can I take my Prezi offline?
There are two offline options
If you need to be able to access and edit your Prezi offline, you need a Plus, Premium, or teams account to access the Prezi Desktop app to do this.
A Portable Prezi is a read-only version of Prezi that you will need to take on a USB key - these are generated using the desktop app.
Hopefully this blog post makes choosing your Prezi licence a more straightforward process to get you on your way to making great presentations in Prezi.
If you'd like to access a license cheat sheet with up to date pricing and a free guide for new Prezi users, Click here to download.
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